Testing GNOME 3

About 2 weeks ago GNOME 3 was added to the testing repository and I think it is good enough for more experienced users to go and play with it. I’d like to state that if you like GNOME 3 or not, we cannot help that.

If you use fgrlx drivers (<=11.7) do not migrate yet, GNOME Shell doesn't work with it!
You can get it to work if you remove ati-drivers and move to the OpenSource ati driver and switch to Gallium3d (eselect mesa)

To give you a head start here let me give you a quick howto migration guide.

1. Add Limbo (obviously)
2. Upgrade your system completely
3. Restart your system (A new gdm is installed and for me it required me to reboot or restart dbus)

If you log in the first time you will notice a warning and the Fallback desktop will load. This is wanted behaviour.

4. Install gnome-shell and log out
5. log in and there you go.

Some tweaks to apply:

– install gnome-tweak-tool
– install gnome-extra/gnome-shell-extensions-activities-button

Open gnome-tweak-tool and then:

File manager – Put all options on if you want desktop Icons
Interface – Select the Elementary icon theme as your default theme

Have fun!

  1. #1 by joostruis on August 5, 2011 - 10:37 pm

    Update: most tweaks will be applied once you install gnome-shell now.

  2. #2 by Andriy on August 7, 2011 - 6:55 pm

    Could you please add RSS feed to your blog? It is much easier to keep an eye on it via RSS.

    P.S. Your blog rocks! 🙂

  3. #4 by Andriy on August 7, 2011 - 8:14 pm


    BTW, you have the first subscriber now 🙂

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