Archive for March, 2011

New Enlightenment snapshot in Entropy

Allot of work was done recently to work down the reverse dependency list on HAL.

One of the bigger problems was Enlightenment. Some time ago we moved to using the EFL packages from Portage to base our Enlightenment version on. I wanted to move to a more maintainable and more “stable” Enlightenment so we could work out a spin for Enlightenment.

This all was just fine until it became an item on the todo list for HAL removal. After a short chitchat wit upstream developers I quickly realized it could take some time before I could actually be HAL independent if I wanted to maintain things like I did. So I cut the knot and

– moved the live ebuilds from Vapiers enlightenment overlay to ours
– key-worded them for ~amd64 and ~x86
– fixed some issues (automagic dependency on edb pulling in an old gtk+ version ZOMG!, make the ebuilds use virtual/jpeg)

And there I had it. The whole thing compiled pushed into our testing repository tested it and now we have it in our main repository!

If you already had Enlightenment installed, simply install the -9999 version updates. (-9999 in portage means this is a live ebuild, all sources are taken from the trunk directly and not taken from a released version tarball upstream created). After you installed the updates you want to get ridd of edb since it is not used anymore.

Simply run : equo remove edb --deep

This command removes edb and all its deps that are not needed anymore (most likely it will also remove the old gtk+ version)

About gtk+, I noticed that gtk apps in Enlightenment look a bit “ugly” at first. This is because the GNOME Settings Daemon is not running. You can make it run automatically when you enable it in the Enlightenment settings panel. -> Apps -> Startup Applications. Click on GNOME settings daemon -> Click add and click on apply. Then logout and login again and there you have it.

Last but not least. I noticed that some older themes I had laying around didn’t work that well. if you are looking for cool enlightenment themes go to this website:

Have fun!

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